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YOGA with Manjula
Classes on and around Exmoor

"When you touch one thing with deep awareness, you touch everything."  - Lao Tzu 

Yoga with Manjula - Classes on & around Exmoor 


About Manjula’s Classes…


My classes offer an intuitive approach, weaving together movement, meditation and breathwork, that can be tailored to suit the needs of each student.  

Yoga has a wealth of benefits, including….helping to reduce anxiety, depression and anxiety, improving flexibility, strength and balance, reducing muscular tension, boosting the immune system, improving the cardiovascular system and promoting a sense of well-being.


Class Schedule


I offer classes on Exmoor and am always open to starting new classes.  So if you live in a town or village in the Exmoor area and think there would be enough interest to start a class local to you, I would love to have a chat about it.


Monday 10.00 - 11.00am          Upton (class currently FULL. Please call to be placed on the waiting list)


Tuesday 10 - 11am                   Watchet Bowling Club - Mixed Ability Yoga

Tuesday 6 – 7pm                      Roadwater Village Hall, Exmoor - Mixed Ability Yoga


Wednesday 9.30 - 10.30am    Roadwater Village Hall, Exmoor - Yogalates (gentle combination of Yoga & Pilates)

Wednesday 6.30 - 7.30pm      East Quay, Watchet - Mixed Ability Yoga


Thursday 9.30 - 10.30am         Roadwater Village Hall, Exmoor - Mixed Ability Yoga

Thursday 12.30 - 1.30pm         Crowcombe Village Hall - Mixed Ability Yoga 


To book a place please call me on 07775 632807 or message me.


Beginners always welcome!




The majority of my classes I run the classes in blocks which are £32 for 4 classes attended on consecutive weeks.

When spaces are available I also offer some drop-in places, which are £10 per class. Please contact me to book a space.


Wednesday - Yogalates Class is £6 per class

East Quay - £40 for a block of 5 classes or £10 per drop in - please contact East Quay direct to book a space in this class -


Manjula's Yoga


Manjula is trained in various styles of Yoga, Qi Gong, Meditation and Breathwork.  She is also a registered Nutritional Therapist and Herbalist.   


She worked in the media industry for many years and experienced first-hand the impact a hectic and unhealthy lifestyle can place on well-being.   It was this that led to her desire to retrain in a profession that would help restore health and balance to her own life and enable her to better serve those around her.


Manjula has dedicated many years to studying the art of yoga.  She has been taught by many phenomenal teachers from around the world and has been trained in a variety of movement disciplines.  At the heart of each of these is the idea of reconnecting, creating natural flow and exploring a more subtle inner journey. 


For Manjula, yoga is more than just what happens on the mat, it’s a lifestyle choice that affects all aspects of her life.  Yoga is a never-ending path of discovery and growth and for her it’s an absolute joy to be on this amazing adventure! 


Over the years one of the main reasons people have given for not wanting to come to class is that they are too inflexible.  To this the reply is always the same – "that’s exactly the reason to start yoga!"  When some people begin the practice or haven’t practiced for a while, they feel stiff. This can lead them to feel disheartened and frustrated. However, with patience and consistency, movement is gently transformed and suppleness comes. 


Yoga teaches us to not rush, to take things slowly and treat the body with love and care.  It also teaches us to trust and be guided by our own intuition and inner guidance.


Manjula believes yoga has something to offer everyone, whether it is increased flexibility, improved health, reduced stress or a deeper spiritual understanding.  The important thing is to have fun and enjoy the journey it takes you on.  


Manjula’s classes are joyful and full of encouragement.  New students and beginners are always welcome.

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